Social polls: how to use these tools to intrigue online users and increase the connection between them and your brand.
THE Social networks have become the main web platforms used by users to interact and find out about current trends. They are used not only by ordinary individuals who create a private profile there, but also by companies and professionals who want to exploit the opportunities offered by these means to make themselves known. In fact, they represent an opportunity to improve your business by implementing a valid advertising strategy.
To achieve this it is essential to acquire a substantial number of followers, with the hope that they will turn into customers. They can watch the posts and news that are published on a company's official page. To attract the public, however, you need to propose a product or service that arouses interest, as well as show it in the best possible way. But what makes the difference is theopen a direct communication channel with the user, with the aim of increasing the level of attention and involvement towards the brand.
Among the tools that can be used in this regard we can include: Social polls.
Social polls
Trying to engage the user through your official page is a fundamental step if you want to achieve a conversion. Receiving likes, inducing a profile to leave a comment or to use the service or product offered they represent the most coveted goals for those who want to advertise on these virtual environments.
Use i social polls it is an aspect that can further increase the transport of those who browse these platforms. Users remain highly intrigued by this, pushing them to acquire greater harmony with the page. They will also tend to leave a comment below the survey, fueling a discussion (consequently attracting other users), or even better to share the post on their profile.
How to create social polls
The act itself of creating a social network survey is quite basic. Taking Twitter surveys as a reference (the procedure is similar with other social networks) you need to:
- go to the box relating to the publication of a post;
- choose the icon between gif and emoticon;
- write the question;
- enter two or more choices;
- determine its duration.
Separate discussion for the polls Instagram, given that they are found within the stories.
A bridge between brand and public
Before doing this, however, it is necessary to organize the entire outline carefully, i.e. the ways in which it is published, in order to obtain a good profit from it:
- Ask a question about a current trend. The topics of debate that characterize a given period are those that generate the greatest interest. To understand what the hottest topic is, simply find the trends of the moment, or even better those most similar to your brand.
- Don't go off topic. For example, if you have a profile relating to a sporting goods shop it makes little sense to publish a survey on the latest political elections. Maybe it will be the topic of the moment, but it would not be very similar to your sector.
- Ask your followers for advice. It's a good way to ask followers for opinions and get feedback on what they want. A practical example is an official page of a chef who fuels his business on the web through videos and recipe tutorials. A request could be what to cook next time, putting two or more options and choosing the one with the most votes.
- Don't over-publish. Clogging up users' home, even worse with more social polls per day, it would be counterproductive. It is advisable to manage this useful tool thoughtfully, so as not to make it become annoying and annoying. A good range to stick to for posting might be once or twice a week.