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Facebook Creator Studio: the tool for content management

Facebook Creator Studio: the right tool to manage and schedule the publication of all posts on company pages.

Organizing your work in the best possible way is the first step to succeed in your business. An elementary concept that affects any area of the working sphere, even more so the digital sector, especially that relating to social networks.

Anyone who runs a business knows perfectly how essential it is to exploit the contents that must be disseminated on social interaction platforms such as Facebook, thus managing to reach a large number of users to possibly convert into active consumers. The official page of a brand becomes the leading vehicle for ongoing advertising strategies.

Therefore a professional tool dedicated to posts could be a truly advantageous solution. In this sense it is impossible not to mention Facebook Creator Studio.

Facebook Creator Studio what is it

Facebook Creator Studio is an application used for a 360 degree management of posts intended for publication. It is a proprietary tool of the social network, used by those figures such as those responsible for social media, in such a way as to manage all the contents that must be disseminated on the various pages, both on Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook Creator Studio

It allows you to carry out numerous activities, including:

  1. Monitor pages under your management
  2. Schedule posting time
  3. Start live videos
  4. Follow the progress of the posts
  5. Analyze reports and data on audiences and content
  6. Publish audio content
  7. Reply to user messages
  8. Check your monetization progress

This is a large amount of actions that can be controlled through a single program.

How to start using the post management tool

To see how Facebook Creator Studio works just click on this link, or to the link shown as soon as you are about to spread content. It is simple to use, equipped with an understandable and quite intuitive interface.

In the menu we find several elements:

  • Home
  • Content library
  • Statistics
  • Mail
  • Monetization
  • Rights Manager

In the main screen all the main activities are present, for example the choice of the object to publish, i.e an image, a text, a video or the start of a live broadcast, general analysis on recent posts (with the number of views and interactions), and other statistical data.

We also find the Content library, in which to observe all the contents, both scheduled and expiring, as well as implement some changes to them. A list of posts already published, useful for those who need to read previous content, which can be found by inserting a search filter such as the tag or description.

Content library screen

For a more in-depth overview there are: statistics, necessary to ascertain a series of elements: the quantity of users who have seen what has been published, new followers or those who have disliked it, the amounts of advertisers, etc.

The mail function for is very good reply to messages sent by profiles registered on social media, thanks to which the social media manager can better coordinate interactions with followers and profiles who have shown interest in their brand.

Rights Manager instead it verifies the veracity of the posts, analyzing whether they are a copy already present on the social network.

Instagram Facebook Creator studio

As announced in the previous lines, even with the most important social media of the moment you can use the Creator functions, used in this case also for the publication of stories and on IGTV.


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