New WhatsApp privacy update: what's new regarding the upcoming data security directives and why we shouldn't worry at all.
Recent years have been characterized by greater awareness regarding the protection of personal data on the internet. An attention that has led to the development of specific regulations by the competent bodies. A relevant example is the GDPR, The Data Protection Regulation in place since 2018 in the states belonging to the European Union, representing an additional weapon for the protection of the privacy of EU citizens.
This is considered a crucial event in this regard, which has led users all over the world to pay attention regarding this topic. It is no coincidence that a lively debate has recently arisen regarding the new whatsapp privacy update. A revision that raises some concern for the security of personal data. But what are the main innovations introduced? Is there really anything to fear? Actually no, especially for EU countries.
New WhatsApp privacy update
Whatsapp is one of the most used applications in the world, if not the first when it comes to instant messaging, characterized by a service that has always satisfied the user. In recent times, however, the issue connected to has come to the fore new WhatsApp privacy update, with statements that have aroused some concern among digital consumers, fearful of the possibility of having their details stolen and managed by who knows who. Naturally there is no problem in this sense, with changes that will have little or no impact on people's experience of use.
The terms of the new Whatsapp privacy policy will be put in place since 8/02/2021, illustrated in a summary message already received by numerous users. Those who have approved everything will see the regulation start from this date. Anyone who refuses will no longer be able to use the application.
Will the data be managed by Facebook? Not for EU users
What does the change in the conditions of service of the new Whatsapp privacy update entail? It foresees the possibility by Facebook to use information from Whatsapp, but this does not apply to countries within the European Community (including the United Kingdom). The GDPR mentioned at the beginning of the article implies the impossibility of Zuckerberg's social network (which we remember is the owner of Whatsapp) to use the data extrapolated from the subjects who use Whatsapp.
However, it is a different matter for non-EU countries. In them, Facebook will be able to manage the information with the aim of optimizing the user experience, as well as integrating new functions in the marketing field, therefore management of advertisements and sale of products.