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How to become a social media manager for companies and individuals

how to become a social media manager

How to become social media manager: what are the skills to acquire to successfully undertake a profession so in demand in the current working landscape.

Social media appears as the main tools used by companies and freelancers to interact with their audience. In fact, digital communication has acquired an essential relevance, reaching the point of outclassing the contact systems previously in use. Therefore platforms such as Facebook, Instagram , Twitter, LinkedIn etc. are like the ideal stage to connect directly with the target audience.

This is why it is important to relate to users in the best way, expertly using the tools and skills necessary to spread a promotional message. This is where the figure of the social media manager comes into play, a professional profile in great demand due to the skills possessed in the web marketing field.

But how to become a social media manager. What is the study or growth plan to pursue to obtain this status? We try to answer one of the questions that readers ask us with extreme continuity.

How to become a social media manager

First of all, it is important to try to understand more deeply what does a social media manager do. He is nothing more than a professional specialized in creation of digital content disseminated through social media and everything that concerns the management of official pages (whether businesses or private individuals). Depending on the intended purposes and the type of public to which he is referring, he carefully selects the ideal means of communication, i.e. those most aligned with the brand or private individual for which he is working. It also elaborates the message taking into account the peculiarities and the idea that you want to convey with your business, in such a way as to maintain a stable and continuous connection with your followers. Among the skills on how to become a social media manager and the activities carried out we find:

lavoro come social media manager

  • The ability to write textual content, develop graphics and edit photos/videos;
  • To be able to interface with the public, knowingly juggling the skills of persuasion (in the case of promotional activities) and adaptation to different contexts;
  • Knowledge of everything related to social networks, therefore advertising, use, etc.


  • Organize the publication of posts, choosing the most suitable times and days;
  • Responds to user comments;
  • It constantly updates itself on the new features introduced by the platforms and uses them to its advantage.

I work as a social media manager: what path to take to undertake this role

The points listed represent the perfect summary of what a social media manager does. Having copywriting and editing skills is the basis of all this. In fact the art of the word and its application in message to convey it is very relevant, being the connecting channel between the brand and the consumer. As well as creating a text, a video clip or editing a photo. Obviously everything must be aimed at contact with the public, choosing the most suitable channel and above all adapting to the language used. For example, an SMM that operates at the service of a real estate chain can exploit Facebook and Instagram, ideal for highlighting the environments of the various apartments for sale. For a professional purpose it is better to turn to LinkedIn.

So we are not faced with a figure who only publishes a simple post with a photo and a small description. Behind how to become a social media manager there is an in-depth study, characterized by a profound knowledge of the marketing that lies behind social networks.

how to become a social media manager

Study, analysis, attitude and a lot of hard work: this is what you need to do

About how to become a social media manager study is fundamental, just like practice in the field. Informing yourself about various marketing techniques and copywriting skills is useful, as are the courses and various online webinars, provided that they are organized by qualified bodies or accredited experts in the sector. As regards obtaining a degree in communications, it may be useful, but not essential.

Furthermore, you need to have a certain familiarity with the use of the Italian language, as well as using language that is engaging and as captivating as possible for the reader. So writing articles or web content can make a difference in the long run.


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