Tik Tok what is it: how to take advantage of your business with the most popular social network among young people at the moment.
Social media can be considered among the phenomena that have the most changed the way we interact among people. After the first half of the 2000s, with their advent, the ways in which communications take place between individuals changed greatly, making them simpler and more immediate.
It was he who started all this Facebook, the first platform to have achieved staggering figures in terms of profiles created, especially with regards to the economic and social impact. Remaining within the scope of the most famous brands we can include Twitter, with the novelty of the Twitter expanded to a maximum of 280 characters, without forgetting Instagram, the social network par excellence of recent years that has outclassed all its competitors.
However, in the last period a new competitor is appearing on the international scene which is affecting a significant portion of the public, namely Tik Tok.
Tik Tok what is it
Tik Tok what is it? It is certainly the phenomenon of the moment, a social network that has recently had a strong impact on the world scene, especially among the younger ones, with over 200 million daily contacts and an ever-growing number of registrations.
It allows to make small videos that last from one ten seconds to a minute in which the user (as regards a large part of the content) mimes the lyrics of a song through his lips following a pre-recorded basis. They are mainly comic videos in which the creator creates the movement of the mouth synchrony.
It is a Chinese-owned social network service that saw the light in September 2016, whose official application is present on the official Android and iOS markets.
Thanks to a simple but effective formula, it achieved significant results in a short time. In fact, whoever creates the content can enrich the video clip with the introduction of a musical motif, funny animated filters, movements or bizarre ballets, mimed karaoke, making it even more captivating in the eyes of the spectator.
The main beneficiaries of the app are mostly tennagers under the age of 18, but users in a higher age group are also largely increasing.
What Tik Tok is: an excellent tool for businesses
Like any product that is scaling the market so clearly, the main consequence is the interest of brands from a commercial perspective. Large and small companies are starting to turn their attention to this innovation, as it can represent an excellent stratagem to propose your products or services through the inclusion of product placement, both through official channels and those of content creators. Among the users we can also find the celebrities, The influencers, even politicians, using Tik Tok as a means to keep the public's level of attention high on them.
The strategy is similar to that of other social networks. The contents created can be used for advertise an object for example, showing it to users who follow the profile. Furthermore, the platform is equipped with software that captures the tastes of the profiles who use the app, so that it appeals to them Show videos that match your interests, thus increasing the number of spectators and potential consumers.
Another very interesting aspect is the possibility of save the created contents on your smartphone or share them on other social networks.
Is Tik Tok dangerous?
The use of the program is intended for an audience over 13 years of age. The average age of members is lower than other platforms, but the risks are still the same. To prevent dangers it is possible through the settings to set filters regarding videos not suitable for a young audience, or set your own profile as private, so that the contents are observed only by the profiles that follow it.
Having said that, one of the biggest questions is the following: Is Tik Tok paid? No, the app can be downloaded for free on Android and iOS devices.