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Do hashtags on Facebook work?

Hashtags on Facebook does it really work? Let's analyze more closely the real effectiveness of a tool already successfully used on other platforms.

La grande varietà di social media consente una valida differenziazione per quanto riguarda l’offerta destinata al pubblico in rete. Ogni piattaforma infatti è contraddistinta da funzioni specifiche che vanno a delinearne l’identità, ognuna delle quali con un preciso target di riferimento. Tuttavia i vari competitor hanno inserito alcuni aspetti considerati caratteristici di un social (almeno agli albori) in modo tale da sfruttarne le potenzialità. Alla base vi è la volontà di migliorare l’esperienza utente, oltre a supportare la strategia di comunicazione messa in atto dai vari brand.

In this sense, the introduction of a few years ago by the hashtag on Facebook, however not particularly used properly. A poor use essentially due to a lack of affinity with the peculiarities of this social network, which makes the use of these features almost useless.

Hashtag on Facebook: a not very functional tool

Let's start immediately by saying what to wear hashtag on Facebook, introduced for several years now, did not actually achieve the desired success. A substantial difference compared to Instagram and Twitter, particularly suitable for this type of tool. This system used is used for “flag” a post by inserting some sort of keyword relating to popular topics. A real godsend for companies and influencers, who can spread a post, effectively encouraging an exponential growth in the number of interactions. A practical example can be given regarding a fashion brand, intent on advertising swimwear. The content posted, with hashtags that refer to themes such as #moda, #caldo, #vacanza #summer etc., will therefore be conveyed on these trends, with the possibility of being viewed by a large number of users.

hashtag su facebook

At the same time, a very simple aspect scales the effectiveness of a hashtag on Facebook, i.e the private use that users make of this social network. In fact, the various posts viewed and shared are mostly within one's own circle of users, remaining estranged from a broader public context. A condition that does not occur in the situations mentioned previously, with an enormously greater scope.

When and how to use hashtags on Facebook?

Based on the analyzes carried out by the major web marketing agencies, creating hashtags on Facebook is mainly useful for event promotion, potentially typed by a high number of users. Or by companies that wish to offer a service or a trendy product. In the latter case there must also be awareness that Instagram or Twitter are more suitable for these purposes. In any case, exceeding their use disproportionately can affect indexing within the social network.



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