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Linkedin: the news of the last few months

LinkedIn: what are the latest features introduced in recent months on the social network and why it is worth using them.

Users and professionals know very well the opportunities offered by social networks, being the most congenial method for making oneself known in the sector. digital. The aim is to grow your business, and consequently the image that the brand wants to spread in the eyes of consumers. Several times here we have observed the peculiarities of these platforms, analyzing their characteristics from an optical perspective advertising, for example with tools such as Creator Studio for Facebook or the service Ads for TikTok.

Today we want to deal with the latest ones news of LinkedIn, considered the ideal social network for professionals and job seekers.

LinkedIn news

LinkedIn it is considered one of the largest social networks on the web, but with very different purposes compared to other competitors. It is an excellent tool to increase your knowledge in professional field, both for companies and social media subscribers. Users can show off themselves to potential customers, or search among job offers published by companies. The latter, however, have the possibility of taking advantage of a valid staff recruitment service, as well as establishing communication channels with other companies in the sector, thus broadening their horizons.

In recent years the popularity of this platform has grown significantly, and with it the arrival of new features intended to improve the user experience. Here they are news on LinkedIn made in recent months:

  • OpenToWork icon
  • surveys
  • notifications of published posts to employees
  • correct pronunciation of name and surname

These are changes that have brought numerous advantages to users who operate on the platform.

LinledIn news

Let's start with the icon OpenToWork, very useful for those who are in looking for a job. This functionality allows your profile to appear in searches performed by those who need to view potential candidates, also certified byhashtag #opentowork present in the profile picture. It is activated within the job search section, with the possibility of selecting the recipients: companies/recruiters or any profile.

The function relating to is also very useful for common users correct pronunciation of the name. A valid innovation to show other profiles what the correct intonation or accent of your name is, put into practice by recording an audio file.

That of the surveys LinkedIn is an excellent service for those who manage a group or an official page, with the intention of arouse interest towards its members or followers, understanding their tastes and points of view.

linkedin news

To create one, simply press on the appropriate section and compose the question to propose to the public. It cannot be more than 140 characters, with a maximum of 4 replies and 14 days in length. The creator can also observe its evolution firsthand, with notifications showing the wishes expressed by voters.

The skill related to notify employees it is mainly suitable for companies and managers of a page who want keep workers updated on the release of a new post. You can choose how many profiles to send it to and above all the sending times.

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